The Pan European Networks publications provide relevant and up to date information for the use of the European Commission and all government agencies and departments across the continent of Europe. In the Government section, issue no. 16 published today, a section is dedicated to clean transport and maritime affairs, considering issues such as the blue Economy, reducing the environmental impact of shipping and the future of the shipping sector. Given the critical link that shipping plays in the growth of the global economy, Pan European Networks adresses the environmental and market concerns in this issue.
InnSep is profiled with the Lynx solution for cleaning exhaust fumes from ships under the title “Ships exhaust gas separation” on page 185. In addition, InnSep CEO Sondre K. Jacobsen in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology has written an editorial on how the university is working to bridge the gap between research and commercialization with the title “Building a foundation“.
The entire publication can be downloaded here:
http://www.paneuropeannetworkspublications.com/GOV16/ (.pdf)
Page 184 containing only the editorial “Building a foundation” can be downloaded here:
20151201 PanEuropeanNetworks GOV16 S Jacobsen EDITORIAL (.pdf)
Page 185 containing only the profile “Ships exhaust gas separation” can be downloaded here (.pdf):
20151201 PanEuropeanNetworks GOV16 InnSep PROFILE (.pdf)